Wednesday, February 18, 2015

January...LATE POST! year, fresh start, new beginning...we say all these things each and every time the calendar turns.

All of us will have first this year.  All of us will try something we've never tried, experience something we've never experienced, meet someone we've never known. 

If we are doing each year up right....we will add "failure" to our list, because that means we've been trying new things.  And face the facts folks, not everything works out.  Not everything is a success. will never know, if you don't step out....reach out....get moving....and run the race God set before you.

January memory verse:
Hebrews 12:1
Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won’t let go. And we must be determined to run, with perseverance, the race that is ahead of us.

This year, 2015....the year that I turn will turn 40, will hopefully be one of intent, filled with "firsts!" As you may recall, I have listed out 40 things I would like to accomplish over the next year.  Each of the things is designed to help me more deliberately.

As listed above, one of the 40 was to memorize a new scripture each month.  January's scripture was truly decided upon by opening my bible...and just flipping through.  Low and behold, this scripture was perfect...right on target, AND....was one of only a few in my new-ish bible...that was underlined.

Another thing I started off the list...actually on December 17th (the day after I turned 39) was the daily gratitude/ prayer journal. 
I've so enjoyed recanting my day each evening right before I go to bed.  It's the very last thing I do! 

We went on a family vacation in January....and I was so hoping to check SEVERAL things off the list.  But, things don't always pan out the way you hope or expect.

Two things I can mark off the 40BY40 list....

I was completely unplugged the entire vacation.  I check Facebook and email for the last time right before we boarded our final flight.  I left my phone in my bag and didn't look at it one.single.time.  It was absolutely liberating.  At first....I actually found it difficult, which a word...SAD!  I know that I'm on my phone much too often and that I miss out on important things going on all around me.  But, I never thought I would find it difficult to unplug.  By day two...maybe three, I didn't even give it a second thought.  I simply embraced the life and love around me....breathing in each moment.  So of the best things on my 40By40 list, and one I hope to continue LONG after this year is over.

And number 2.....drum roll please!

I SKINNY DIPPED IN THE OCEAN! was only for a moment.  And true...I swam out in my bathing suit and then took it off....again, putting it back on before I exited the water.  But hey...I did it. was at a public beach, during the day!  So....give a girl some props for that! 

Additionally, in the month of January, I did manage several (4 I think) Random Act of Kindness.  I love it when an opportunity comes up to bless someone's it unexpected kindness.  I truly wish I could just spend all day...and most of my money, doing just that...Blessing other's peoples day!

Well, that's January.  I look forward to what February has in store! Here's to living with intent! 
