Tuesday, March 3, 2015

February Highlights

February has come and gone so quickly.  This is exactly what I'm talking about people....time fleeting with many days not embraced for the opportunities and moments that could have been.  Smiles not given.  Kind words not shared.  Good not done.

We each have the opportunity to squeeze out EVERY.LAST.DROP of each day.  I know...I'm tired too.  And that is ok...but, I want to at least try.  Try to seize moments I otherwise would let pass by.  Try to grasp hold of the smells, sights, feelings of the ordinary day.  Try to go to sleep each night knowing that I gave it my very best...all day.  I'm a work in progress, but progressing nonetheless!

So...on to February's 40BY40 update.

Not many things marked off the list this month....but, the month has not gone without several success stories!

This month's memory verse: Isaiah 40:30-31

"Even young people become worn out and get tired.  Even the strongest of them trip and fall.  But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength.  They will fly high as eagles.  They will run and not get tired.  They will walk and not grow weak."

Good stuff people!  No one is immune.  We all grow tired.  We all have days of sheer exhaustion.  We all experience moments where we fall and think...I simply CAN NOT get up and I'm not sure I even want to get up.  But, how much comfort does this verse provide!  "Trust in the Lord, and you will receive strength".  His promise to renew my strength is...well...AWESOME!

I've continued on with my daily gratitude/ prayer journal.  I have missed a few days here and there...but for the most part, this continues to be an important part of my day.

Throughout this short month, I have had the opportunity to bless a few folks with some Random Acts of Kindness.  MY FAVORITE THING!  I want to do this all day....everyday.

As part of my 40BY40, I wanted to work one night a month at Breaking Bread Kitchen...serving dinner to those in need.  Well, I missed January....but I made it this month and can't wait to go back.  Serving at a soup kitchen....is in a word...humbling.  These people leave pride behind...coming forward in a time of need and ask for help.  In my life, I've never experienced this kind of need or hunger.  I've never wondered where my next meal was coming from, or how I was going to feed my family.  To serve others, especially those in need...the least of these, is something God calls us to do, and I look forward to my monthly "meeting" with the folks at Breaking Bread!

March is here, and I look forward to all the new opportunities that will present themselves throughout the month.  Just a hint....I've started booking trips, looking at tattoo options, and writing letters!